7 Things That Cause Maladaptive Perfectionism & Anxiety

Recently, we’ve been talking about when setting high standards for ourselves gets out of hand and creates anxiety. It’s called maladaptive perfectionism when it crosses that line and starts creating more problems (i.e., anxiety) than it solves. We identified the signs we’ve crossed the line, we figured out what your standards are, and we determined whether your standards are healthy or unhealthy. Today, we’re taking a step back and talking about what causes us to get in this situation. I mean, let’s be honest, we all like knowing where to place the blame 😉. Grab the PDF at the end to work through it for yourself.

Next week, I’m demystifying signs of stress in women. Don’t miss it.

11 Questions to Ask Yourself to Determine If Your Standards Are Healthy or Creating Unnecessary Anxiety

So we’ve talked about how the unhealthy, unrelenting standards you’ve set for yourself are keeping you stuck with anxiety. They make you feel overwhelmed, inadequate, and stressed out. And we also talked about the importance of having standards -- we can’t just abandon them altogether! What we want to do is identify the standards that are helpful and keep those around and then also identify the ones that are creating anxiety and modify them to be more helpful. So last week we figured out what your standards are. And today, it’s time to figure out which standards are unhelpful and causing unnecessary anxiety. Check out my article today outlining 11 questions to ask yourself to determine if your personal standards have crossed the line and are creating unnecessary anxiety. And make sure you grab the free PDF for this post to put it into action!

Your Standards Are Keeping You Stuck & Anxious

So the first thing we’ve gotta do to get into recovery is to figure out what your standards are for yourself.  Having standards is important. Even having high standards is important.  But when our standards are unhealthy they create problems.  So in today’s article, I’m walking you through how to determine what your standards are, complete with a PDF to help you start making it actionable.  Then next week, we’ll start figuring out if they’re healthy, so don’t miss it.  

10 Signs of Maladaptive Perfectionism

Hey, we all want to do great work, right?  I mean, why work hard unless whatever you produce is something you’re really proud of?  I’m definitely on board with that.  


The problem is that setting high standards for ourselves can get out of hand for some of us.  In today’s article, I outline 10 signs that you’ve crossed the line into a place where your high standards are no longer working for you.  Check it out here. And then I’ve got a PDF for you to practice changing those unhealthy high standards into healthier alternatives, so make sure you grab that, too, so you can make it actionable.

10 Thoughts Only Perfectionists Have

Many of my clients come to me because they’re anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed. And no matter how much they do, they feel inadequate. Nothing they do ever feels like enough. Many of them don’t realize maladaptive perfectionism is driving the whole pattern. Here's 10 thoughts only perfectionists have.

6 Proven Ways to Silence Your Inner Critic

Last week, we chatted about how self-criticism drives the experience of feeling relieved instead of joyful or proud when you achieve something great.  Today, I’ve got 6 proven ways to silence that inner critic so you can actually experience those positive feelings you deserve.